Yesterday I received a wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous and what can I say … perfect MA from Wendy. It’s really worst to wait although the date for sending out the MA has been due for so long. Thanks to Wendy to stitch the MA for me..
Show time. Opppsss .. this is MA exchange organise by Wendy for Needles & Crafts group.

I choose my theme as “Quaker” because I haven’t had any collection on Quaker MA yet. So Wendy comes out with the design on the MA and she is using Needle Odyssey – Dip & Twist Overdyes. As you can see from the picture she match the overdye floss with the same color of the fabric.. Isn’t it is cool.. ;)
This is the back view of the MA.
Beside the MA.. she also send over to me DMC thread collection starting from no. 150 to 169. Really kind of her. FYI, I order the thread from her to add on my stash collection but she sends to me the thread as a gift and she say as a punishment for her from being late. How lucky I’m. he he he ..
Another gift from her is Silk Handkerchief. Hemmm .. I really jumping happily and hope to have exchange with you again, Wendy … *wink. Thanks one again for the lovely MA and all the wonderful gift.
Its lovely especially the floss colors and it matches the fabric lining.
Glad that you like it... ^_*
Very beautiful. Brilliant of Wendy to match the floss with the fabric!
What a lovely gift.
It's lovely!
Lene.. you are so lucky!! Very lovely MA
Wow! That is stunning! You have stitched some gorgeous stuff. I love your rose sampler and the little bag you made. xx
This is so beautiful!
Lucky you and I can understand why you are jumping! :D
Your EMS Rose Sampler is looking beautiful as well!
I haven't been stitching mine at all, so am stopping on part 2...oops
That is absolutely beautiful!
Come visit me,you've been named :D
Come visit me,you've been named :D
That is such a lovely MA Lene. Kudos to Wendy for a great job putting it all together.:)
Aesthetically marvelous! Thanks!!
photo editing
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